Sunday, November 17, 2013

EQ of the Week

This week's Purple Paw Awards goes to Mrs. Gilbar's class for their video on Go foods. Our second Purple Paw Award goes to a group of scholars from Mrs. Hacket's class for their artwork about being a vegetarian. The creativity and engagement of the scholars remains very impressive.  I appreciate everyone's hard work.

Essential Questions of the week November 18th, 2013

1. Why are people vegetarians? 

People have different reasons for becoming vegetarians. Some follow vegetarian or semi-vegetarian diets for health reasons. For instance, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and grains tends to be low in fat and cholesterolwhich is good for your heart. It's also likely to be high in fiber and can be lower in calories.
Concern for animals and environmental reasons are also cited by vegetarians when they explain why they don't eat meat. In addition, some cultures and religions have vegetarian diets.

2. Does eating turkey make you sleepy?

We have all heard that eating turkey can make you sleepy.  But why?  When I was a kid I was told that turkey contained tryptophan, and that this is what caused me to be so sleepy on Thanksgiving.  While it's true that turkey is loaded with tryptophan; however it's not the culprit for so many naps on thanksgiving afternoon.

But why am I always so tired after eating thanksgiving dinner?

Blame It On Blood Flow

Most scientists think that there's a different reason why eating a special meal might make you drowsy. Eating a big Thanksgiving dinner causes increased blood flow to the stomach (needed to help digest the meal) and less blood flow to the brain.

Avoiding Drowsiness

So just how do you avoid that sleepy feeling on Turkey Day?
  • Eat small, healthy meals (try to limit junk foods) throughout the day before you sit down for your big meal — don't starve yourself in anticipation of the feast to come.
  • Have small portions of foods that are part of your Thanksgiving meal (including whatever veggies are on the table).
  • Drink water and take breaks while you are eating to see how full you've become.
  • Stop eating once you're full — there will always be leftovers tomorrow.
  • Finally, take a walk outside afterward to digest your meal. This will make you feel better than crashing on the couch.
Follow these tips and have a Happy Thanksgiving — gobble, gobble!

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