Greetings Families,
I’m very excited to get back to teaching Physical Education at RES. This year, due to COVID, PE will be outside, rain or shine. Our class space will be located at Brown’s Court Field, a beautiful, large, baseball-sized field that's a few minute’s walk from RES. As you leave RES and head towards town, it’s the 2nd dead end street on your right.
The first week of school, we will be getting acclimated to our new space. After that, on 9/14, we will be starting a biking unit in PE. I’ll have one of the Snow Motion trailers at Brown’s Court for storage of school bikes, helmets, etc. We have about 40 school bikes. We have bikes available with and without training wheels for students to use. Yes, students are allowed to bring their own bikes. If you would like your child to ride their own bike, I ask that you drop it off at Browns Court, NOT at RES. Make sure your child’s name is clearly labeled on their bike! I don’t have the ability to store personal bikes. I would recommend picking them up at the end of the school day.
I have 100+ helmets, however, if your child has their own helmet, please have them bring it to school on your child’s PE days. Make sure it is also labeled! Many helmets look alike! Here is the most up to date PE Schedule.
A group of amazing volunteers have constructed bike obstacles for PE classes. There will be a flat paved area for students on training wheels, plus several different obstacle courses that kids can ride during class. My goal is to make an easy course and a more challenging course to meet the needs of all of our different riders
For the rest of the year, I’m hoping to offer skiing/snowboarding during Snow Motion, as well as golf, soccer, lacrosse, snowshoeing, group games, throwing & catching activities, and more. It will be a fun year in PE! Please let me know if you have questions.
Brian Godfrey
PE Teacher RES